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Insulating Concrete Forms - Affordable Concrete Inc. Rochester Minnesota

Affordable Concrete Rochester MN

Insulating concrete forms (ICFs) result in cast-in-place concrete walls that are between two layers of insulation material. These walls are strong and energy efficient. Common uses of ICFs range from residential to commercial to industrial. Traditional finishes are applied to interior and exterior faces, so the buildings look similar to typical construction, although the walls are usually thicker.

Insulating concrete forms provide:

Sustainability and Energy - ICFs have the potential for reducing energy to heat and cool the building. Some estimates place the savings at 20 percent or more. The R-value for a typical Insulating concrete form is about 20. The walls can often have high air tightness 10 to 30 percent better than frame-with compatible windows, doors, and roof.

Contact us for more information and a free estimate.

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